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Are you comfortable with an 'all-digital' future?

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It seems like gaming is heading in the direction where physical media is being phased out in favor of subscription services and digital-only games/purchases. Are you comfortable with an all-digital future in gaming? Are you more about physical copies of games? For me, I'm agaisnt it.. I like having something tangible in my hands. Servers don't stay up forever and eventually you'll lose access to those license keys & downloads. At that point, it's really just like an expensive $70 rental with a really lengthy 'return' period.


There are also games we'll never be able to get digitally because their source code is lost, games like Panzer Dragoon Saga. I would definitely like to see a happy medium between the two but I don't think that's going to happen as more and more consoles are coming out as "Digital-Only". See: The new Xbox Series X for example.

What about you? Are you for or against an all-digital future in gaming?

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Personally, I understand the convenience and accessibility of digital gaming, but I also appreciate the sentimental and collectability of physical copies. I think there should be a balance, where both options are available to cater to different preferences and needs. It's important to consider the potential drawbacks of an all-digital future, such as server shutdowns and lost access to certain games.

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I am not, I prefer to own physical copies of games for not only my collection but also for when you can't easily download games from stores anymore after they get delisted. That's the future we're looking at if things go all digital. Unfortunately Walmart will stop selling physical games soon, and Best Buy did away with physical movies. While delisting doesn't happen as often for movies, it still happens from time to time. Also there's nothing like popping in a new game into whatever console you own, it's such a cool feeling that you don't get with digital games.

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No way I’m comfortable with all digital. It invites a bunch of forced subscriptions to play games you want. It’s definitely heading in that direction though. The new generation consoles ‘digital only’ are cheaper, which is that extra push towards digital. Right now you see sales to buy digital. But once they eradicate disks, they will own you, take your choices away, and your game selection will be based on your subscription. It will take away your spontaneity. Many times I put in a disc and it downloads within minutes and you can start playing without the newest update though. Digital games for me using Wi-Fi takes days for 1 game to download. So Fuck the digital only future. Fuck it to hell, cause that’s where it’s going. 

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No, not really. I really miss Blockbusters and our local Game Store which is no longer on the high street. The demand really isn’t there for physical shops, as buying online adds a lot of convenience to the gamer. Very sad the way it’s going 

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There are sometimes when I would be having mixed feelings about this but in the end, I know it's something that's likely going to happen. This is why I have started preparing myself for it sooner. It's sad to see the era of physical game's come to and end but that's what technology advancement brings to the table. 

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I agree with the others hosted before me where I think it's inevitable, already I almost never use cash (only credit cards or now Samsung Pay!) so I'm already living as a 'cashless' citizen.  When I lose my smartphone, I freak out LOL.  So much of what we do is tied to our digital identities, and it's moving in that direction whether we agree with it or not

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