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Do you own a smart watch?

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Smart watches are something that have become popular over time and now I see most who have one and have found them reliable and a convenience. 

My mum has a smart watch and she finds it super convenient being out and about, especially if my dad has to contact her when she is out with her being his carer at the moment. 

Do you own a smart watch? Would you say they are worth having? 

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So I am really interested in a smart watch. The problem is that I am a tile setter by trade. I tried wearing a FitBit one time, and I destroyed it in just a couple months. Cracked screen, dipped in water, etc. etc. So I don't think it's wise for me to get a smartwatch after that, lol.

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I currently do not own a smart watch, however the company I work for gives out watches for every five year anniversary and since this is my fifth year anniversary I will be getting a smart watch at the end of the year. It probably won't be an expensive one, but I'll take it since it's free and you can't beat that lol.

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On 3/7/2024 at 9:36 AM, The Blackangel said:

As of this moment, no. The idea has been floated, but I'm a Citizen snob so it most likely won't be happening any time soon.

As of now, Smartwatches aren't a necessity so getting one is more of a luxury.

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Although, I have got multiple urges to buy a smartwatch, I've managed not to buy one. It's true that it's packed with a lot of features, but most of them are covered by our phones already. They cant replace our phones so, I don't see the need of having one, personally. 

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On 3/16/2024 at 7:25 AM, Debashis said:

Although, I have got multiple urges to buy a smartwatch, I've managed not to buy one. It's true that it's packed with a lot of features, but most of them are covered by our phones already. They cant replace our phones so, I don't see the need of having one, personally. 

It's not necessarily a replacement for our smartphones. I agree that it's somewhat a luxury item at the moment but it does have a few nifty features like allowing you to see notifications and responding to certain messages using voice chat. At least the ones that are using WearOS. Also they have other things like monitoring your heartrate and other things if you're really into health.

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On 6/20/2024 at 1:39 PM, Cpvr said:

Currently, I don’t own a smart watch, but I’d like to purchase a fitbit or an apple watch one day.

Fitbits aren't really around anymore per say. Google purchased them and has been incorporating most of the Fitbit features to their Pixel Watches so maybe you should be looking at that instead.

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