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Can I move my old Xbox One hard drive to a new Xbox One?

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I broke my Xbox One this past summer when I decided to clean it out after realizing it was due for a deep cleaning. I want to get another Xbox One at some point, but would I be able to take the hard drive from my old Xbox and add it to the new one? Or would the Xbox not fully recognize it? I just don't want to have to redownload everything. I'm thinking of getting a used Xbox one and putting my HD in it. Would it work? If not, what would I have to do to make my HD recognized? 

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You're most likely shit out of luck. The hard drives are physically different, so you most likely won't be able to even insert it into a new console. You are most likely going to have to either lose your data and get a new Xbox, or try to find someone who can repair systems and hope they can get your Xbox going again.

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You can't switch drives around on a Xbox One, each hard drive is locked to one mother board. It's stupid if you ask me, since on the 360 you were easily able to switch around hard drives. You're better off trying to get the Xbox One repaired, and uploading your saved games to the cloud if you haven't yet.

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It's a shame they made it so that it was not possible to switch the hard drives out from one console to another on the Xbox One but I guess in a sense, understandable with cloud saving that we have now. 

I always remember the hard drives on the Xbox 360 you were able to remove those and add them to another console, I did like that. 

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Unfortunately xbox one drives are NOT easy to replace. They marry the drive to the console and it's not easy to change at all. It's POSSIBLE from my understanding, it's just incredibly difficult to do and takes a bit of tinkering internally to get it to work properly. At this point i'd just consider buying a newer xbox, unfortunately you'll have to redownload everything, but if you go the Series S or X route, download speeds are much faster due to the SSD installed in them.

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Yes, it's doable. You can transfer your old Xbox One hard drive to a new Xbox One but you need to ensure that the new Xbox One is actually running the same version of the operating system as the old console.


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