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Microsoft to discontinue Windows Mixed Reality

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Source - https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/21/24010787/microsoft-windows-mixed-reality-deprecated

Looks like Xbox is done with AR and VR, at least in regards to making their own VR/AR headsets and devices. Along with this, they removed the Mixed Reality Portal app and Windows Mixed Reality for Steam VR. This also looks to include the Hololens. 

I guess it makes sense for them to move on from VR considering there are so many different headset options out there. Microsoft could easily just use one of the available VR headsets on their hardware. 

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It seems that Xbox is no longer focusing on creating their own VR/AR headsets and devices. They have removed the Mixed Reality Portal app and Windows Mixed Reality for Steam VR, including the Hololens. It makes sense for them to utilize existing VR headsets instead of creating their own.

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Microsoft's decision isn't surprising to me, because of their lukewarm investment in VR/AR technology. It's a very competitive market, and it's a shame that Microsoft's offerings didn't quite stand out. 


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It's very possible for Microsoft to leverage their strengths in software development to create a very immersive experiences for various VR/AR platforms. Their departure from VR/AR hardwarea will definitely affects the industry.


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