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Do you rate and review the games you play?

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When it comes to the games you do play, do you tend to rate them or maybe even give them a review? I judge games that I play, but I don't really rate or do reviews for them. At least not for myself. I imagine there are some people out there who rate and review games just because. Do you rate/review all of the games you play? 

If you have a catalog of ratings and reviews, would you ever share them? Or maybe start doing professional reviews for any future games you do play? 

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I usually don't review the games I've played, but since I have been focusing a lot on my Youtube channel as well as community I might start writing reviews of games I've played for the first time. (I might get around to making reviews for my favorite games but I think I'd be too biased if I did that.) I usually just sit down, play a game and if it's one I really like I'll end up playing it to the end and maybe just voice my opinions on the game while playing it just not online.

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I will not go out my way to give a good game a good rating unless something makes it stand out from the crowd. If however I feel a title is overpriced or improvements are needed after playing, I would rate and review them. But, that’s just me.

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I don't do reviews and ratings for just about anything, really. I'm not a very opinionated person and just go with the swing of things. If I love the game, I'll continue to play it. If I hate the game, I'll just abandon it.

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14 hours ago, Kennysplash said:

I have this really bad habit of only reviewing games that I don’t enjoy. I know I have to work on that, start giving good reviews on games I like too. But till this moment I only give honest negative reviews. 

Haha, it's indeed a bad habit or should I say a selfish habit. Since you can make out time to review the games which you played that are supposedly bad, you should even have more desire to review the good ones that met your expectations. 

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22 hours ago, JennyorAlice said:

I don't do any reviews and rate a video game I've played.  I'm more interested in playing games, not reviewing games. 

The only thing I can agree that I've been doing very well it's when my friends asked my honest opinion about certain games that I have played. I will definitely tell them exactly what I feel when it comes to playing the game and advising them whether to play or stay away from the game. 

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Yes, I love sharing my thoughts on the games that I have played. But, I don't always write formal reviews. I usually tell my friends and family my experience with the games I played.


Edited by Lens
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On 1/30/2024 at 9:04 PM, Heatman said:

Haha, it's indeed a bad habit or should I say a selfish habit. Since you can make out time to review the games which you played that are supposedly bad, you should even have more desire to review the good ones that met your expectations. 

I know right? 😅 But that has changed now. Any game I enjoy, I make sure to speak of it online and offline. I want to be a bearer of good news, not bad. 

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On 1/8/2024 at 3:17 PM, Kane99 said:

When it comes to the games you do play, do you tend to rate them or maybe even give them a review? I judge games that I play, but I don't really rate or do reviews for them. At least not for myself. I imagine there are some people out there who rate and review games just because. Do you rate/review all of the games you play? 

If you have a catalog of ratings and reviews, would you ever share them? Or maybe start doing professional reviews for any future games you do play? 


It depends on how connected that I am to the game. If it is a game that I have played for a while, why won't I want to give a review? I mean it is one of the cool things that I can think of doing.

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On 7/7/2024 at 3:40 PM, Knight Barida said:


It depends on how connected that I am to the game. If it is a game that I have played for a while, why won't I want to give a review? I mean it is one of the cool things that I can think of doing.

When you're invested in a particular game and have you also have a strong connection to it, writing a review can be a great way to share your passion and to also help others understand what makes the game very special. 

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On 7/6/2024 at 10:01 AM, Kennysplash said:

I know right? 😅 But that has changed now. Any game I enjoy, I make sure to speak of it online and offline. I want to be a bearer of good news, not bad. 

It is a very good way to handle that when it comes to video games because if no one out there gives you a positive review about a game they enjoyed, you will not have any idea what you are getting into before you start playing it. 

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