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Are you afraid to break your PC when you clean it?

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I hate cleaning my PC, every time I do it I fear I'm going to somehow break something in the process. Last time I did it, I used an electronic duster/blower thing that helped clean it out pretty good, but I haven't cleaned it in a while and it's probably due for a good cleaning. Do you guys have any fears that your PC will break when you go in to clean it? I'm just paranoid if I disconnect something like my graphics card to clean it for example, that when I put it back in it'll end up dying on me. 

Also, how often should you change the thermal paste on a PC? 

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I get a little nervous when I clean my pc.I just take my time when I clean it.Try to clean it away from cats, dogs and toddlers.

 As far as thermal paste it depends. My cpu thermal paste has been fine for close to 4 years and it still stays cool.My rx 570 gpu runs fairly hot so I replace the paste on that about every year.Monitor your temps and when they go higher than normal that's the time to re paste the component that's overheating.(CPU or GPU)

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Honestly I'm paranoid and because I am I haven't cleaned any of my computers. :S I need to get around to cleaning my desktop at least since it's pretty easy to take apart. I just need to get some compressed air and take it outside. I have a old desktop I've been wanting to setup to see if I can use it for just a server, though I know the graphics card in that is probably dead since it was going out when I stopped using the computer. Perhaps giving it a good cleaning is all it needs but it's 10 years old at this point. I'm less paranoid about taking that computer apart since it's not my main computer.

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On 3/9/2024 at 7:47 PM, Ravenfreak said:

Honestly I'm paranoid and because I am I haven't cleaned any of my computers. :S I need to get around to cleaning my desktop at least since it's pretty easy to take apart. I just need to get some compressed air and take it outside. I have a old desktop I've been wanting to setup to see if I can use it for just a server, though I know the graphics card in that is probably dead since it was going out when I stopped using the computer. Perhaps giving it a good cleaning is all it needs but it's 10 years old at this point. I'm less paranoid about taking that computer apart since it's not my main computer.

That's mostly what you need - it's not even that time-consuming and it will save you some bucks in the long run.

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There is a device called air blower. It is made specifically for computers and PC. Some components will be opened and the device will blow out the dirt. The air it emits is mild and cannot do any damage. It is a safe way of cleaning the computer. 

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Sometimes yeah I get nervous. I have a laptop so the only thing I really do to clean it is dust out the vents and components with canned air. It does seem to help whenever I do do this but there's always that worry as I've had bad luck with gaming laptops in the past.

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