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Do you collect Albums?

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I've been buying digitally for a while now, but I would like to get back into CDs.

My son is big on collecting vinyl. I can't believe records made a comeback. The art they are able to put on the records themselves these days is pretty sweet. Back in the day it was just black with a label in the middle.

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I went through a big music stage and as a result of it I have two big CD towers full of bands I like. I've barely used the CDs compared to using services like YouTube Music, so I kind of regret spending so much money on them, but who knows? They may be worth some money one day.

My uncle collects CDs and has a whole room and closet full of them.

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On 2/8/2024 at 11:12 PM, killamch89 said:

a lackluster experience

There is some truth to this. We live in the era of singles now. But back when I was younger, an album was a complete experience. Songs were crafted and tracked in a certain order. Some songs would lead into other songs, or share the same theme. Making sure you had a hour to sit down and digest the whole album was a must,

But the experience today isn't like that anymore.

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 I used to collect albums of Backstreet Boys when I was 13, but relocating made me stop as the pressure of settling down and handling some other life challenges didn't let me continue. At the moment,  I don't collect any and doubt I will start anytime soon.

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I used to collect albums years ago but since everything went digital, I tend to have most of my collections now online. I don't mind purchasing an album if I really want it but most of the time now, I tend to listen to albums old and new on Spotify or Amazon Music. 

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Yes, I've been collecting vinyl for about 12 years or so now, and I own about 250 records. There's just something about vinyl that I really enjoy. It sounds good, I like having the large artwork on display, and I just like being able to physically hold the music in my hands. It's also one of the best ways to support small, independent artists. 

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