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What features on a mobile game do you enjoy the most?

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Title states it all <3,

Generally curious, what about mobile games and their features do you enjoy the most as well what types of mobile games will you spend most of your time on + doing what.

I've actually only played Mobas on mobile so for me it was the ability to start playing instantly to get into the dopamine rush.

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The convenience is what I like the most. You can play almost anywhere provided you have access to some kind of WI-FI or 5G/4G service. Although, I've kind of stopped gaming on my phones because I usually have one of my tablets with me so I just use that for mobile gaming instead.

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I would have to agree with what some have said in here and that is the convenience. 

I like how convenient it is that I can have my mobile phone on me and even if I am out and about or away from my laptop at home, I could still check the news, read an email, call someone, text someone, even reply to DMs on sites if I need to. 

Years ago we always had to wait until we got back to our desks to be able to do anything but now, everything is pretty much in our hand. 

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