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Mobile Party Board Games

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I just bought this Family Feud game at a local dollar store, that is a mix of board game and mobile game. You can download an app to buzz your answers in. I know there are other party style games like this that will combine a board game with a mobile app. I'm looking for more of these style of games. Ones that work as board games, but also utilize mobile in order to make sure more people can play along. 

I saw a wheel of fortune game at the same store, but didn't feel like spending anymore. If this Family Feud games turns out to be good, I might pick some more games like it up. We'll see. Would you happen to have any suggestions for any mobile/board game style party games?

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This sounds interesting and I didn't know they did games like this. I have always struggled for ideas around Christmas time for things to do as a family, I tend to get board games but there is only so much you can play of those before you get fed up. 

This sounds great and being able to use your phone as a buzzer is a neat idea!

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