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Will all games go VR eventually?

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Do you think at some point all games will go the VR route? Or do you think most games will find a way to support VR in some way? I think it'd be cool if all games worked in VR right away. It doesnt mean they have to work with VR controls, but to be able to play most games in VR would be a nice addition. 

There are modders who are making it possible to play not VR games in VR, so it doesn't sound impossible. What do you think?

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I agree that VR is becoming so popular, and many companies are really investing in the technology right now. What I do believe is that most games will eventually support VR in some way. 


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 As VR technology improves and becomes more accessible to almost everyone, we'll likely see more games that’ll be incorporating VR features. Ultimately, the key is to offer players choices and flexibility at the same time.


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