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What stopped you from being too much into gaming?

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I can remember very well back in the days when we were kids, playing video games was a big deal for us. I would play with my peer group friends almost all day without being burnt out. 

Becoming adults, I still kept on with playing that way until recently when I had so much responsibilities that I couldn't spare much time for gaming. This was what pulled on my gaming time and made it lean. 

Have you stopped playing heavily or you're still able to spin it like you used as a kid? 

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For me, it's a variety of reasons:

First, I don't have as much time anymore. Second, more and more often, games are disappointing or releasing in incomplete states. Third, games just aren't designed for my generation anymore. I first realized that when I bought BOTW and saw they had managed to shoehorn smartphones into a Zelda game as an integral gameplay element. Fourth, games these days are too big. The open-world monogenre has turned video games into massive timesinks that take hundreds of hours to finish, and I'm just not into that.

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On 2/28/2024 at 11:11 AM, HowHammerYou said:

For me, it's a variety of reasons:

First, I don't have as much time anymore. Second, more and more often, games are disappointing or releasing in incomplete states. Third, games just aren't designed for my generation anymore. I first realized that when I bought BOTW and saw they had managed to shoehorn smartphones into a Zelda game as an integral gameplay element. Fourth, games these days are too big. The open-world monogenre has turned video games into massive timesinks that take hundreds of hours to finish, and I'm just not into that.

I agree - games do take up a lot of time nowadays and with open-world games, there tends to be so much to do. It's even worse if the developer constant publishes new content for said world.

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Honestly back when I first got my first computer and had access to the internet, I started playing games less and posting on forums more. This was back in 2008, and I did this for a while. I also don't game as much because I don't have as much time, though I've been getting more into video games again as of late since I've been focusing on my Youtube channel and it's gaming related.

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Other interests. I grew up, started a business, got married, and had kids. These take priority over games. I'm overbooked for the next several months, which means I will probably start working extra hours and Saturdays. That will make Sundays the only day I can play... maybe.

I also am involved in online communities, and dabble in YouTube. I really need to pick ONE hobby and stick with that, lol

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On 3/10/2024 at 12:59 PM, Dismal_Bliss said:

Other interests. I grew up, started a business, got married, and had kids. These take priority over games. I'm overbooked for the next several months, which means I will probably start working extra hours and Saturdays. That will make Sundays the only day I can play... maybe.

I also am involved in online communities, and dabble in YouTube. I really need to pick ONE hobby and stick with that, lol

Maybe you should try gaming with VR. That way you can exercise and still get some gaming sessions in.

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Life happened. Those days I was still being fed, so I can spend as much time as possible. Now with all the bills ringing bells around my head, I could only afford a few hours on a weekly basis. 
When I am on leave I do satisfy myself though. 

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My responsibilities......that is what keeps me from staying home all day.  I could stay home all day and read or play video games.  But I don't because I know I have to pay bills and it isn't fair to dump all that responsibility on my spouse. 

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On 2/26/2024 at 6:02 PM, killamch89 said:

Between my responsibilities as an adult and just finding the time to, these factors have contributed to my gaming time being reduced.

True! Whenever you are maturing into an adult, a lot of things are going to change about your life which will start from you becoming responsible and this means that you are going to have responsibilities to take care of which you can never compromise on simply because you want to have fun. 

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I used to be a hardcore gamer as I like to spend hours playing my favorite games. But when I started a family, I didn't just have as much time for gaming any longer.


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