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Should PlayStation VR 2 support PC gaming?

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I found this article here - https://xrsource.net/5764/does-psvr-2-need-pc-support/ It asks Does PSVR 2 Need PC Support? I think it would be awesome if they would make it work for PC. I'm sure modders out there have figured out ways of making the first PSVR work with PC and probably figured it out with PSVR 2 as well. I doubt it would be hard for Sony to make it work for PC, but does Sony need to? I don't think they need to considering their games sell better on PlayStation hardware anyway. They don't really need to sell or support PC if they don't want to. But, I still would love to see PC support with the PSVR 2, or even the first one. But from Sony, idk if I'd trust going the modding route. 


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Considering Sony just stopped production of the PSVR2, they most likely see it as a failure and will soon announce that they're abandoning support for it, much like they did for the PS Vita. It sucks and it's a shame but, Sony's track record on handhelds or peripheral devices like this isn't very good.

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On 3/23/2024 at 1:03 PM, Smokey said:

Considering Sony just stopped production of the PSVR2, they most likely see it as a failure and will soon announce that they're abandoning support for it, much like they did for the PS Vita. It sucks and it's a shame but, Sony's track record on handhelds or peripheral devices like this isn't very good.

I agree - They're poor at promoting the PS accessories for their systems. Outside of the controllers, I don't own any other PS peripheral.

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On 5/29/2024 at 11:05 AM, Kane99 said:

A possible PC adapter could be coming soon. Makes it all the more reason to pick up a PSVR2 if true. 


Actually, I don't think so. It's way too expensive in my opinion and Sony might be releasing an updated version sometime this year or next year.

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