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The Blackangel

After So Many Years.. Which One is Better? - Red Dead Redemption 2 vs Grand Theft Auto 5

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That's hard to distinguish competition between the two especially since its from the same developer that has similar mechanics for the two games. It's a matter of taste or scenery. Both are legendary games. All I can say depends on my experience playing the two. Both are brilliant. I think there is better mechanic in a police chase than there is hunted by the law in RDR2. GTA5 you can smash into things but there is always a street to swerve into. RDR2 you can literally ride your horse to oblivion, get bucked off at the start of a fight, and left with your dick in your hand. So I will go with GTA 5 because it gives the player a little more control over situations. I think GTA 5 has better shooting mechanics. RDR2 was a bit chaotic with shooting and being able to revive your health with tonics which was not user friendly with controls. Both games lack the ability of save functions like saving a horse or car. That's the reality though they try to bring too gaming. And that reality is not necessary. In fact, not being able to save your mount or car when you want is a great flaw. But the developer wants to make a reality and make it hard. I'm not here to game to play Sims. I do not want a user unfriendly game. That is what RDR2 is and that is what GTA5 sort of is. GTA5 is a little tad bit more user friendly as a gamer. I don't game to be punished like RDR2 does. How is RDR2 different than a Soul's game? You get punished. I'd rather be punished driving my way out hanging out the window shooting at the mother fuckers. And that car shooting mechanic sucks with GTA 5. Damn. I'm dissing Rockstar. 

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Where do you get the idea that you can't save your mount? You can keep 3 horses in the stables, and have a fourth one out to ride. You also can carry horse reviver in case your horse gets hurt severely so that you can save its life. You can also tame wild horses extremely easily. So I'm missing where you're getting the idea that you can't save your mount.

The only fights I've ever been bucked off in is with wild animals like cougars and wolves. Never with assholes that want to shoot at me.

In my opinion, the controls are extremely user friendly. You just need to get used to them. Once you do, they become second nature and you can do it in less than a second without thinking.


I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm just posting one fact, one experience, and one opinion.🙂

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On 3/7/2024 at 2:16 PM, killamch89 said:

I love both games for different reasons so saying which one is better would be doing a disservice to two very fantastic games in their own right.

Also, you can't really compare the two, due to their setting. RDR2 is set in 1899, while GTA5 is set in present day. So for the simple reason of the technology available to the characters, there's not a fair way to compare them. We may as well compare Zelda to Metroid, or NFS to FIFA.

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2 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

Also, you can't really compare the two, due to their setting. RDR2 is set in 1899, while GTA5 is set in present day. So for the simple reason of the technology available to the characters, there's not a fair way to compare them. We may as well compare Zelda to Metroid, or NFS to FIFA.

Exactly - there's so many factors that separate both games that it's an apples to oranges comparison.

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On 3/7/2024 at 8:32 AM, The Blackangel said:

Where do you get the idea that you can't save your mount? You can keep 3 horses in the stables, and have a fourth one out to ride. You also can carry horse reviver in case your horse gets hurt severely so that you can save its life. You can also tame wild horses extremely easily. So I'm missing where you're getting the idea that you can't save your mount.

The only fights I've ever been bucked off in is with wild animals like cougars and wolves. Never with assholes that want to shoot at me.

In my opinion, the controls are extremely user friendly. You just need to get used to them. Once you do, they become second nature and you can do it in less than a second without thinking.


I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm just posting one fact, one experience, and one opinion.🙂

I did come across as aggressive I think. You are right, you can save mounts. What I was trying to infer was that you can’t save them when you want. After taming a horse, you still have to make the adventure of saving it elsewhere. And you can easily lose it if you are attacked and bucked off, which you admit comes from a pack of wolves. Well those mother fuckin wolves are always around after you tame a horse it seems. It’s like stealing a car in GTA5 and fuckin spikes are in the road out of nowhere sending u flying out the windshield. 

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I'm not a huge fan of either of them to be honest. If one was to look at both games in each way that can be measured and analysed, RDR2 would probably be the better game, but that's not a very helpful way to look at them.

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On 3/11/2024 at 8:48 PM, Reality vs Adventure said:

What I was trying to infer was that you can’t save them when you want. After taming a horse, you still have to make the adventure of saving it elsewhere. And you can easily lose it if you are attacked and bucked off...

If you want to permanently make the horse yours, all you have to do is put your saddle on it after you break it. That instantly puts you at level 1 bonding with the horse, which makes it as much yours as any horse you would get at the stables. When I go for an Arabian, as soon as I break the horse, I put my saddle on it. That way if it does throw me due to a predator I don't lose it forever, I can just call it, and it will come running back to me. At the moment, I have 3 horses. The white Arabian, the red chestnut Arabian, and the perlino Andalusian. In case you're wondering what the hell perlino is, here's a pic of a perlino Andalusian.




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11 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

If you want to permanently make the horse yours, all you have to do is put your saddle on it after you break it. That instantly puts you at level 1 bonding with the horse, which makes it as much yours as any horse you would get at the stables.

That right there is great input. Sometimes things in the gaming experience is lost for one reason or another from not paying attention, or forgetting, or confusion, or whatever. But I vividly recall being able to put your saddle on a horse when you want. My experience though, trying to tame a horse, I am distanced from my old mount and things just go haywire from there once I have a new mount, which prevents me from saving it. 

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Actually, I'm loving this debate. Both the Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto 5 are legendary games and there is no doubt about that. But for me, the one to choose depends on your experience with the game.


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On 7/11/2024 at 6:14 AM, Lens said:

Actually, I'm loving this debate. Both the Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto 5 are legendary games and there is no doubt about that. But for me, the one to choose depends on your experience with the game.


And that's why I'm choosing both - I love each game for the fantastic experiences they give to us. It'd be unfair to choose one over the other when both are legendary games in their own right.

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I could never fully get into the first Red Dead Redemption and so I completely skipped RDR2 when that was released. My eldest son got the game for Christmas when it released and as much as he did enjoy it when he first got it, he soon lost interest. 

For me it would have to be Grand Theft Auto 5, I played that quite a bit and enjoyed that game more.

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On 7/17/2024 at 6:42 PM, Shortie said:

I could never fully get into the first Red Dead Redemption and so I completely skipped RDR2 when that was released. My eldest son got the game for Christmas when it released and as much as he did enjoy it when he first got it, he soon lost interest. 

For me it would have to be Grand Theft Auto 5, I played that quite a bit and enjoyed that game more.

That's completely understandable becuase it's great to have a preference for GTA V, and that's what makes the gaming world so amazing becuase I know that there's something for everyone.

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On 7/19/2024 at 4:43 PM, Lens said:

That's completely understandable becuase it's great to have a preference for GTA V, and that's what makes the gaming world so amazing becuase I know that there's something for everyone.

This is what I like about gaming now, no matter the kind of gamer you are, there is always something for everyone. Gone are the days in which you run out of games to play due to a game not being something you are interested in and I think that is great for gaming and gamers. 

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