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Shorter gaming sessions: An advantage of mobile gaming.

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Our smartphones have become an extension of us in our daily lives. We have them with us almost everywhere we go. This has made it possible for us to play games in times which would not be possible with console and PC. 

Whether you are commuting, waiting on someone, on a break at work you can flip out your smartphones and play away. It also helps in keeping you occupied when it could be boring. 
You play for the short time you can afford, and continue later. 

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I couldn't agree with you less.


First off, whilst the smartphone is something fairly new, gaming on portable devices is not.  Literally every positive you just listed has been perfectly possible since the 80's with the Game Boy and other simmilar devices. The technoligy has advanced, of course, but that's something to expect, not praise. Not to mention that advancement of technoligy has happend throughout the gaming space, not just in portable devices, so it's not unique at all.


Second, even if one is impressed by the technoligy (And despite what I just said, I actually am), that isn't what matters. What matters is how the gameplay experiance has been enhanced, and that is whare we run into the huge issues with mobile gaming. That being the actual games. The Apple App and Google play stores are are oceans of shovelware riddled with the most greedy, anti-comsumer business practices the gaming space has ever seen. The technoligy may have grown leaps and bounds, but the games themselves are a joke.


It frustrates me to see so many people on forums and social media make posts like this just expecting the world to join in with them in licking mobile gamings starfish as if that's the only thing that makes sense do. As if if there is literally nothing begative and we should all worship mobile gaming.


Well, not me, not ever. Mobile gaming is crap and it will continue to be crap because of people like yourself @Kennysplash who, with all due respect, don't know any better. It's not your fault, you likely just aren't old enough to remember what gaming was like before the digital STD we call mobile gaming infected it. Well, I am, and when I say thing used to be better, that's not nostalgia, it's just a fact.

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A lot of people forget that handheld consoles have been a thing for many years. I grew up playing the Nintendo Gameboy and then we had consoles such as Gameboy Colour, PSP, Nintendo DS, I could go on. 

We have had the ability to play games away from our homes for many years, phones are pretty much the same, we have them everywhere we go and we can play games whenever we have the time. 


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