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Resident Evil IX may be coming out next year...

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Last RE I played was 7; it was good and it terrified me. But I'm all burnt out of the chasing you games and running around for puzzles. That is the direction RE has taken and always has been. Chases and run around puzzles. If they stopped with their little puzzles, and had a progressive game where you keep moving forward, they would have the best horror game. But I'm done with RE. 

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Source? I could see it happening but i would rather them wait a bit longer and give us another remake for say, Code Veronica, before giving us IX. That's just me.  Code Veronica is the only game in the series that still needs to be remade, well, outside of the Outbreak games but I digress. I would rather get Code Veronica first, then IX.

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With Tango Gameworks folding, that's made for some sour news. However, Shinji Mikami is content to not be working on any more survival horror titles.

I just heard a rumour that Leon could star in RE9. But I hate how Capcom has made him the main hero, essentially. I'm not against Leon especially, but every game or movie with Leon in it always has bombastic explosions and stunts, and it's primarily the reason the series is nearly devoid of the creepiness it once yielded. 

I mean, he can get flung against concrete and just get up like that hulking boss never hurt him, so it comes across as ridiculous that a mere mortal can take that much physical punishment.

He is getting on a bit too in terms of his age. Or has being exposed to the Las Plagas and so on did something to his body?

Either way, Capcom can just milk the series by making it that the heroes do not age quickly, due to the viruses halting their genes. It has already happened to Jill and pretty much every other female protagonist as well.

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