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Music channels on TV

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Something I have not watched in years until I found out we have a few music channels offered to us when I was flicking through the channels today was music channels. 

When I was younger, I used to spend so much time listening to music through music channels and having them play in the background whilst I was busy. 

Do you still watch music channels? 

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Nope I don't watch any music channels anymore. I don't have cable or satellite, I do have Hulu but I am not even sure if the music channels are part of the package I have. I used to watch MTV and VH1 when I was growing up. I didn't have digital cable so I couldn't watch MTV 2, or Fuse. I never cared for rap music nor country growing up so I never watched BET or CMT.

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I don’t watch music channels on TV anymore, however, I did when I was younger. BET and MTV  were my favorite channels that I’d watch music on. 

Edited by Cpvr
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