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What deceased musician do you wish was still gracing us with their talent?

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On 5/23/2024 at 2:09 PM, killamch89 said:

Mine is Michael Jackson and it's easy to see why. His dancing skills along with his amazing voice made him a legendary performer.

He recorded some of the most amazing songs ever. And his signature spin along with the move he basically created (which was the moonwalk) can never be challenged.

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On 5/27/2024 at 9:41 PM, The Blackangel said:

He recorded some of the most amazing songs ever. And his signature spin along with the move he basically created (which was the moonwalk) can never be challenged.

Yeah - Michael Jackson also had aura. If he did just one ordinary movement, he had women fainting left and right. I can't any other artist having that kind of reception from fans just by doing something. Michael Jackson in his prime could fart in the mic and women would be fainting left and right just from hearing it.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/23/2024 at 2:09 PM, killamch89 said:

Mine is Michael Jackson and it's easy to see why. His dancing skills along with his amazing voice made him a legendary performer.

I agree. Michael Jackson was so talented. I wish he was still here making music!


tupac and Biggie are two other artists that I wish were still around. 

Edited by Cpvr
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On 6/19/2024 at 1:47 PM, killamch89 said:

Yeah - Michael Jackson also had aura. If he did just one ordinary movement, he had women fainting left and right. I can't any other artist having that kind of reception from fans just by doing something. Michael Jackson in his prime could fart in the mic and women would be fainting left and right just from hearing it.

There was nothing MJ couldn't do. I watched a documentary on him one time, and it showed women having to be taken out on stretchers just because they actually saw him with their bare eyes. One girl was clutching her Thriller album in her arms and could only say "Michael" all the way to the hospital. I don't think there's any superstar, whether they're an actor, musician, athlete, or anything else that has ever had that kind of effect on a person. It's also been well documented long before he died, that if he ever ended up in a pinch and needed cash, all he had to do was release another album. And with his talent, he could do that in his sleep. The closest any musician ever could have come was back in the 50's with either Elvis or the Beatles. But if you compare them side by side, there is no comparison. Michael Jackson is so far above them that comparing them is a waste of time.

You can disagree on who you would prefer to bring back, but you can not manipulate facts to try to make them fit your opinions. Michael Jackson was probably the greatest musical performer we will ever see. I still would want to bring Chester Bennington back, but that doesn't negate the facts in relation to Michael Jackson.

Edited by The Blackangel
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On 7/12/2024 at 6:52 PM, The Blackangel said:

There was nothing MJ couldn't do. I watched a documentary on him one time, and it showed women having to be taken out on stretchers just because they actually saw him with their bare eyes. One girl was clutching her Thriller album in her arms and could only say "Michael" all the way to the hospital. I don't think there's any superstar, whether they're an actor, musician, athlete, or anything else that has ever had that kind of effect on a person. It's also been well documented long before he died, that if he ever ended up in a pinch and needed cash, all he had to do was release another album. And with his talent, he could do that in his sleep. The closest any musician ever could have come was back in the 50's with either Elvis or the Beatles. But if you compare them side by side, there is no comparison. Michael Jackson is so far above them that comparing them is a waste of time.

You can disagree on who you would prefer to bring back, but you can not manipulate facts to try to make them fit your opinions. Michael Jackson was probably the greatest musical performer we will ever see. I still would want to bring Chester Bennington back, but that doesn't negate the facts in relation to Michael Jackson.

I 100% agree with everything you said. There were even stories of men fainting with their female partners at the sight of Michael Jackson - I don't remember other artist from any era having that kind of ability.

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It's unfortunate that before he died (which was criminally negligent homicide on the part of his doctor in my opinion. more below) he couldn't do any kind of meet & greet with fans. The danger posed to him, and the godlike worship that posed danger for his fans could have ended up with lost lives. People dropping dead from being able to simply be within arms reach to shake his hand or simply say "Hello" could easily have overloaded said fans heart and caused them to go into cardiac arrest and die on the spot. There are several celebrities I've met, and several others I want to meet. But, despite being in pure shock about a shout out that @Rain Dew got for me for Yule (xmas to you) in 2021 from Roger Clark (RDR2 Arthur Morgan) I don't see them all that different from myself. They still eat, sleep, and shit the same as me. The difference is that they just have a better job. Especially since my crippled ass is stuck in a fucking wheelchair for the rest of my miserable life.

more: Propofol to fucking sleep?! There are options that are nowhere near the lethality Propofol posed. It's fucking used as an anesthetic which requires someone called an ANESTHESIOLOGIST just to get the shit right so that a person DOES NOT DIE. Yeah, I'm pissed. Medical malpractice is something that really pisses me off, having been a victim of it myself. Not going into a lot of details, but a doctor prescribing an extremely dangerous dosage of multiple meds all at once? That alone could have killed me. This would have been 20+ years ago. Just a few months after I got clean. There's more instances, but I'm not getting into them. So I don't give a fuck who the doctor is or how well they're thought of, one fuckup like that means they're a goddamn QUACK and need to lose their license and be publicly outed as a QUACK and why.

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This is a good question. If I could bring back any musician it would have to be Michael Jackson. His music was amazing and him as a person and what he wanted for the world is not something you see everyday. 

I believe Michael still had so much to show us and bring to us music wise and it was a shame he passed the way he did. 

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