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How do you handle difficulty spikes?

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I don't mind games being hard, but I hate game's being cheap.  Difficulty spikes are probably the cheapest programming tactic there is, I absolutely hate them.  If there're not there in error, and they rarely are, it's likely I'll stop playing the game completely. They are so often used to artificially create challenge or pad out the length a game. One exception is Skyrim, more specifically battling mages.  Magic in Skyrim is so horrendously balanced, especially at higher levels.  Enemy magic get's insanely strong, whilst the player's magic just get weaker and weaker.  If I'm going into a combat situation or dungeon whare I know I'll be dealing with hostile mages, I'll often turn the difficulty down in anticipation of what's coming.

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Difficulty makes the game much more worth it, so I don’t quit when it happens. I can take a break from the game and engage in other activities. By the time I’m back to it I’m with a fresher perspective. 
But if it is proving too hard, then I’ll pass. 

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