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RIPOUT - Online Co-Op horror FPS

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I just heard about this game today and it looks interesting. Reminds me a lot of the recent DOOM games. It's an online co-op horror FPS, that seems to take place in space, or on a space station/ship. It was available in early access for a while, but its full release happened on the 28th. Supposedly the ships you're on are procedurally generated, so that might add a bit to the replayability. Also I kinda like the pet gun lol. 

You can view the game on Steam here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1558830/RIPOUT/


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This is another game that's has actually caught my attention as I can already imagine the intense moments I'm going to have with my friends and fighting off monsters in zero gravity.


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I think they should've called this game RIPOFF because this looks A LOT like DOOM. The monster designs seem like they're from some part of the doom universe. That being said, I'd also give it a go - I like what I'm seeing.

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