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From 1-10, How Would You Rate Your Singing Ability?

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On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your singing ability? Feel free to share a bit about why you chose that rating. Do you sing just for fun, or have you had any formal training? Do you ever sing in front of others, or is it strictly a shower activity?

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I have to go with a 2, my singing ability isn't great at all. I just sing for fun though, I don't really want to work on my singing talent because I don't have the time. I only like singing to myself, but sometimes if I'm in a good mood I'll start singing out loud in front of other people. I would never sing karaoke in front of a crowd though.

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Many of my family say that I can sing as they have heard me in the past but I personally don't believe them. If I were to base it on how I would rate my singing it would probably be a 2 but if my family were to, it would probably be between the range of 8 - 10

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On 6/18/2024 at 3:58 AM, Shortie said:

Many of my family say that I can sing as they have heard me in the past but I personally don't believe them. If I were to base it on how I would rate my singing it would probably be a 2 but if my family were to, it would probably be between the range of 8 - 10

I also come from two families full of musicians/singers etc. and my singing ability would be at a 7. My dad and mom could both sing very well but I'm above average.

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On 6/19/2024 at 7:39 PM, killamch89 said:

I also come from two families full of musicians/singers etc. and my singing ability would be at a 7. My dad and mom could both sing very well but I'm above average.

That is awesome! Most of my family are music lovers and my auntie is a music teacher, she was someone who taught me much of what I know about singing such as different techniques and breathing as well. 

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On 6/22/2024 at 12:41 PM, Shortie said:

That is awesome! Most of my family are music lovers and my auntie is a music teacher, she was someone who taught me much of what I know about singing such as different techniques and breathing as well. 

One of my uncles was also a music teacher and used to perform using the Saxophone. My dad was also one for a short period of time when stopped performing.

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