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Google might be leaking private gaming videos - oops!

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A new report on old privacy incidents suggests that at least one Nintendo leak came from a Google employee showing off private YouTube videos to a friend.

The leak in question dates back to 2017, when images of a trailer for the then-untitled Yoshi's Crafted World hit Reddit shortly before the game's official reveal. In the comments, the poster of that thread said "My friend work at google and he send this photo to me. It's a video that it's already in Nintendo channel and is going to be in public after the reveal." The image included an 'admin.youtube.com' URL, which certainly suggested that this particular call was coming from inside the house.

Now, 404 Media has published a breakdown of several privacy incidents at Google based on internal reports at the company, including this one. The employee, apparently a former temporary contractor, was able to "download video with admin account, and shared unreleased Nintendo feature with friend," Google's internal report concluded. "GI interview concluded non-intentional. Reactive comm sent."

The community has long suspected that many notable leakers get their information from sources like unpublished YouTube videos, and this report would appear to confirm that - at least in this instance. Judging by the admin URL in the leak screenshot, I'd wager this particular leaker had no intentions of this image being widely spread. But then, you'd also hope that your friends are cautious enough to keep you shielded from Nintendo's ire, too.

If your friend showed you a leak of a game, would you post it on social media?  

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I must ask @CharlesK that in the future you include links to your source for posts on "Gaming News". I found the article from 404 Media with the full details, but please include such links in you opening post in the future.


My concern with this is less about people leaking video games reveals and what else these contractors are able to do with these admin accounts.  For example, what if people post private diaries on to YouTube?  I understand YouTube staff need to be able to have access to other people's YouTube channels, thier studio tools and uploads that regular users would not have, they need them to do thier jobs, but this is not acceptable.  These people need to be properly vetted before being allowed this access.

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It is annoying when you realise that your private information on some websites has become a public one that staff members working there can leak. Nowadays, you are unsure of whether they can leak something or not.

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If I had a friend who showed me a leak for a game, I would be very cautious about sharing it anywhere online. I know that game developers tend to take things very seriously when they are leaked and I would hate to be in some kind of lawsuit with a game developer of any kind because I wanted to be the one to leak something about a game.

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On 6/19/2024 at 12:13 AM, killamch89 said:

This isn't the first or last time either. It's high time people realize that Google is only concerned about gathering your data and selling it to the highest bidder. They don't care about your well-being.

This is very true. Google being such a big company though, so many are less likely to move away from them and in most cases, have no clue that they are doing things like this. 

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This is a good reminder to be careful how we share sttufs even with our closest friends. No one who doesn't love a good gaming leak, it should not be at the expense of someone's job or reputation.


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On 6/23/2024 at 11:18 AM, Shortie said:

This is very true. Google being such a big company though, so many are less likely to move away from them and in most cases, have no clue that they are doing things like this. 

Your data is like a goldmine to them. They make millions per year selling it off to other companies and using it to sell you products that they think you might want.

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