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Indie Dev’s Game Shamelessly Cloned and Released for Free by Grifter

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Posted (edited)

This is messed up. Developer kindanice recently came forward with news that someone had stolen their game "Dire Decks" and released it on Steam under the name of "Wildcard". The developer who is said to have stolen the idea, goes by Terry Brash on Twitter, and he recently posted about the game on twitter, you can see that tweet below.


You can find Kindanice's game here to see how close of a match it is - https://kindanice.itch.io/dire-decks

And you can find more on this news from this article: https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/indie-dev-game-cloned-dire-decks

The stolen game is still up on steam, but I will not be sharing it as I don't think it deserves to be shared. You can find it by searching if you need to. But when I did, I looked at Brash's games, and they all look to be clone of other games. SO my guess is this guy takes already created games and tries to pass them off as his own. In the case of kindanice's game, he had released his game back in February, and Wildcard is not yet available to play on Steam. 

There is definitely a case here for theft. Especially with how there was not nearly any changes made. 

But I am kind of suspicious about all of this, because it could be some weird publicity stunt to draw more hype for kindanice's game. Especially since Brash hasn't responded yet to any of the allegations or the hate he has been receiving. Maybe there's more to this than we know, maybe Brash was part of the development originally, maybe he did some work on it. But the fact he has released other games that look like almost exact copies, I'm doubting that. I'm interested to see what comes of this. If there is for sure theft, then I hope Steam works fast to remove this game.

Edited by Kane99
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I didn't read what TechRadar reported because I wanted to do a little groundwork on my own, and there is no doubt in my head that "Wildcard" is "Dire Decks".  The weird thing about this plagiarist developer is that he's been happy to admit he was inspired for his other two games by what he had seen on other titles like Vampire Survivors and Tiny Rouges without just ripping them off,  Then to suddenly steal (what I would argue to be) a far more basic browser game from Itch just doesn't sit right sit right.  I mean why?  His other games actually look pretty decent, so this a shame.

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