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Windows Recall

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If you keep up with Windows news, you're probably already aware of a upcoming feature being added to Windows 11 and this feature is called Recall. What exactly does Recall do? It helps you "recall" what you've done on your computer within a set period of time. It'll essentially record what you've done within a certain amount of time and replay your actions. Many users are concerned about this new feature, because it can and will cause a huge privacy issue for those who use Windows 11. It's essentially an officially marketed keylogger. Keyloggers are malicious tools that keep track of your key inputs, which makes it much easier for hackers to gain access to your accounts. The encryption used to protect the files that Recall produces isn't too secure. This is definitely going to cause more users to jump ship to another operating system. What can you do to prevent it if you want to continue using Windows? Well once the newest update rolls out and enables the feature, immediately disable Recall in your settings. Or simply turn off updates, but that's not recommended as it could cause other security issues. You can see how this can become a huge issue by watching this video:


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There's no way I'm putting Windows 11 on any of my machines. Windows Recall in particular is privacy nightmare. It records EVERYTHING you do on your computer which was already bad enough. That same info isn't secured properly which means Hackers and other unscrupulous actors can access that data which is literally putting all its users at risk of being hacked. They may have disabled it for now but they'll quietly re-enable it in the future once the heat has died down. I'll stick with Windows 10 or try out Linux as my main options going forward. Bazzite is really taking off at the moment and I wouldn't mind that being my first Linux Distro.

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I had no clue about this! I have been using Windows 11 now since I got my laptop back in July 2023 and as much as I do love the OS and find it runs smooth, the fact they are pushing things like this without warning that can impact user privacy is disgusting. 

Glad I saw this, will be looking more into Recall. 

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On 6/18/2024 at 3:27 AM, Shortie said:

I had no clue about this! I have been using Windows 11 now since I got my laptop back in July 2023 and as much as I do love the OS and find it runs smooth, the fact they are pushing things like this without warning that can impact user privacy is disgusting. 

Glad I saw this, will be looking more into Recall. 

I'm moving to Linux when Microsoft stops supporting Windows 10. There's no way I'm going to install that onto any device I have. Do you have any idea what unscrupulous actors can do with that kind of information? In addition to that, It's already been hacked by a hacker because the info Windows Recall collected wasn't even encrypted. 

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21 hours ago, killamch89 said:

I'm moving to Linux when Microsoft stops supporting Windows 10. There's no way I'm going to install that onto any device I have. Do you have any idea what unscrupulous actors can do with that kind of information? In addition to that, It's already been hacked by a hacker because the info Windows Recall collected wasn't even encrypted. 

I can't say I blame you for not wanting it on your device, it is shocking they do this and they can get away with it. 

I am still on Windows 11 right now but have thought about moving away myself since reading this. 

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On 6/22/2024 at 12:28 PM, Shortie said:

I can't say I blame you for not wanting it on your device, it is shocking they do this and they can get away with it. 

I am still on Windows 11 right now but have thought about moving away myself since reading this. 

I'd at least have gone back to Windows 10 if I was in your position.

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