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South Of Midnight

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Compulsion games, the developers behind We Happy Few and Contrast, has revealed their next game called South of Midnight. It looks to be a fantasy action adventure. You can check out the gameplay trailer below. The animation style reminds me a lot of the animated Spider-Man movies, I think it's the way the frame rate for characters seems to be lower than the actual framerate of the world. Idk, it looks cool and odd at the same time. 

Anyway, check it out below. Do you think this is something you'd be into? I think it looks like a lot of fun. 

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I like it.  This has a different feal compared to other, similar games with a unique world I'm dying to learn more about. I'm am a little put off by the animation style in the cut scenes @Kane99 described because the game itself looks smooth.  So to me, that jansky animation only serves as a pretentious, self serving, stylistic cue that's only there to feed the game director's ego rather than a genuine attempt to immerse the player in the story.  I think that it will actually be a distraction more than anything else.  I've played games with stylistic animation like Alice: Madness Returns and it works there because the approach is consistent throughout every aspect of the game. Just having in the cut scenes doesn't work for me.

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South of Midnight is going to be a wild ride. The animation style is so unique and it reminds me of those awesome Spider-Man animated movies as well. 


Edited by Lens
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