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Would games still be fun if we had to play them for a living?

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Sometimes when I’m doing tedious grinding in a game, it occurs to me how “work”-like it is. Yet somehow I’m still having fun. But I suspect if I had to do the same thing for a living, the fun would drain out of it. Anyone have thoughts on this?

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We wouldn't have any choice but to try and enjoy them if that's how we make money to take care of our responsibilities. It's the only way you can play it that way and enjoy doing it or it's going to bore you out all the time. 

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5 hours ago, Kennysplash said:

We enjoy it because we play it for fun. If it were to be a chore we will get tired of it in no time. We all get tired of our daily job because we know that without it we cannot survive. It will be the same with games too. 

Exactly. A lot of people will stop working if they have another means which they can make money to use and take care of their responsibilities. They have to work because it is something they cannot avoid doing.I

f they should make video games like that, people way hardly enjoy it unless they can't find any other means deal with it. 

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I love playing video games, back when I was playing a lot more video games and creating video game content more often, I was less stressed and I enjoyed every minute I go to play the video games I did. If I was given the opportunity to play video games for a living, I would jump at the chance and know it would still be fun for me. 

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I have come to realize that whenever you get to perform a specific task repeatedly, you end up losing the essence of the game. The passion for gaming activities can slow down. However, when I do play games outside of work,  I enjoy gaming more.

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Normally when gaming is involved, no one would expect that it could turn to a form of employment. One of the things that go with it is that you no longer are able to play or stop as you feel like. I get to level in games because I want to, not because I am forced to by anyone. If that's is my job, then probably one day I will get fed up and stop doing it altogether. 



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