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DOOM: The Dark Ages

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DOOM: The Dark Ages is a new game in the series, but seems to be going the prequel route instead, as this will take place before DOOM (2016) and DOOM: Eternal. This game will focus on the DOOM Slayer before he became the hero we know him as today. Who here is looking forward to this? I know the recent DOOM games have been quite popular, so I expect this to continue said trend. Check out the trailer below. 


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I saw this during the Xbox Showcase, the game looks awesome and it seems many are very excited for it's release, me being one of them.

Looking forward to be able to jump into this game when it releases, have played previous Doom games and had a lot of fun. 

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It's indeed a total surprise for me, but a welcome one too as I love to explore the DOOM Slayer's past and to also see what made him the legendary hero that he is today.


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