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Underpowered Hardware

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When compared to Sony & Microsoft it would seem that Nintendo often has the most underpowered hardware, at least in comparison to the competition. How do they manage to get away with this and still manage to sell so many consoles?

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Nintendo has been around for many years and a lot of the games that we know Nintendo for you can't get on any other consoles. I also believe that the Nintendo Switch Online offers that they have when you are subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online, including older games you can play on the Switch is another reason why they still even now sell so many consoles even thought their console is not as overpowered as others. 

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Nintendo has always focused more on unique gameplay experiences and its strong lineup of exclusive IPs like Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon rather than raw hardware power. These franchises have a huge and dedicated fanbase that drives console sales regardless of the hardware specs. Additionally, the hybrid nature of the Switch, allowing for both handheld and home console play, offers a versatility that appeals to a wide audience.

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We all know that the Nintendo's hardware is not as powerful as Sony's or Microsoft's, but what I'm so sure of is that they always seem to find a way to make it work. 


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The strength of Nintendo lies in their creative approach to gaming, not the raw processing power. They've also get it right by mastering the art of optimization which is cool!


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