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When Are Things Just Not Meant to Be No Matter How Hard We Try?

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We often hear that hard work and persistence can make anything possible, but sometimes it feels like certain things just aren't meant to be. Have you ever experienced a situation where, despite all your efforts, things just didn’t work out? What were the signs that it was time to let go and move on? Share your stories and insights on recognizing when it's time to accept that something might not be in the cards for you.

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No one cared. I was the world’s whipping girl. From every angle was incessant abuse beyond what most could fathom. My uncle did try to kill me after all. But that’s how life is. No one cares. It doesn’t mean shit how friendly or hard working you are. You’re never going to earn what you’re busting your ass for because no one gives a shit about you. You never lose anything, because you never had anything to lose in the first place.

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.

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55 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

No one cared. I was the world’s whipping girl. From every angle was incessant abuse beyond what most could fathom. My uncle did try to kill me after all. But that’s how life is. No one cares. It doesn’t mean shit how friendly or hard working you are. You’re never going to earn what you’re busting your ass for because no one gives a shit about you. You never lose anything, because you never had anything to lose in the first place.

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.

I agree. Abuse goes a long way in life no matter how hard someone tries. And lets get this straight. Republicans go on about family bla bla bla. It was a republican military family that beat my mother. My republican grandparents beat their kids. She left home at 17. I was born in Vegas and moved to Okinawa to live on a military base because my dad is military too. I'm born of a military family. I have lived on a military base overseas. My dad was also abusive. My mom left him in Okinawa and brought us back to the states. 

So I guess what I'm trying to say is if you are born from a republican family. You are fucked!!! My dad was mormon. He's a piece of shit. And don't ask me why. 

Edited by Reality vs Adventure
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I got abused during my younger years, as I had a quiet personality and was not hyperactive, for lack of a better description. Then I went to a place for tests. They didn't diagnose me with ASD until 2007. After which, I started to gain welfare and support workers. But I had the misfortune of going with Autism Initiatives in Scotland. They're bad news, unfortunately. 

What a fanny wank for a company they turned out to be. Had this guy emailing me crap with an alias, then confessing to doing it. I guess though, you get lousy people in any job, place, or whatever the case may be. So maybe we can just chalk it up to me being unlucky. I don't even know if he got the sack, or if they investigated the matter, since they didn't tell me why he departed from his job.

Even so. That's just being unprofessional. He should be banned from being a support worker, just in general. But yeah. That was so out of line.

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On 6/19/2024 at 5:51 AM, Knight Plug said:

I got abused during my younger years, as I had a quiet personality and was not hyperactive, for lack of a better description. Then I went to a place for tests. They didn't diagnose me with ASD until 2007. After which, I started to gain welfare and support workers. But I had the misfortune of going with Autism Initiatives in Scotland. They're bad news, unfortunately. 

What a fanny wank for a company they turned out to be. Had this guy emailing me crap with an alias, then confessing to doing it. I guess though, you get lousy people in any job, place, or whatever the case may be. So maybe we can just chalk it up to me being unlucky. I don't even know if he got the sack, or if they investigated the matter, since they didn't tell me why he departed from his job.

Even so. That's just being unprofessional. He should be banned from being a support worker, just in general. But yeah. That was so out of line.

Sometimes, it's just how life is. It can get really rough to the point you want to give up but you have to keep going. I'm glad you're doing better for yourself. When I was younger I tended to be quiet most of the time. The only reason people never messed with me was because I could fight and usually I didn't care if I injured someone seriously. I grew up in a very violent community where most of the people I grew up with were all killed. The worst thing was that I was there to see most of them and it left me numb at one point as a teen. However, at some point, I realized that by trying to numb the pain I was never going to get over it. I also realized that I couldn't control the outcome of anything external outside of what I did so I put my energy into that.

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I have always been someone who will stick at something if I feel I can be successful, sometimes I have stuck at things for too long which in turn make life worse than it should be.

Over the years I have learned when it is time to stop and call it a day when something is not working. Two things my dad always used to say

You come into the world with nothing and you are going to leave with nothing, so just enjoy.

Don't get too busy making a living you forget to make a life. 

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