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Use Honey for healing any open flesh wound

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I recently found out that honey can be used as a very good medicine to treat an open flesh wound that is taking a long time to heal. I had an injury at a very sensitive part in my body recently which I was prescribed a lot of cream to use and treat it but none of it was working until I was prescribed to use natural honey to treat it. Within the space of one week, the injury have been completely healed. 

Even anyone suffering from diabetes and have an open wound can use honey and apply it on the wound. It's going to heal it 100%.

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It, Moringa and Colloidal Silver are all very good healers for wounds. I remember when I got my hand burnt during an accident at work years ago, and the doctor said he wasn't certain my skin would ever fully recover. I kept rubbing Colloidal Silver on it everyday for three months and drank Moringa tea and when I showed him my hand three months later, he was dumbfounded to say the least. It was like nothing happened.

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There are a lot of benefits that we can get by having honey around, and I am glad that using it to heal wounds has been discovered. This is true, especially when you consider that some diabetic patients find it difficult with their injuries healing faster most of the time.

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I have heard of honey being used for other reasons health wise but never for treating a wound so this is new to me. 

Honey is well known for it's healing and as long as you don't have too much, it is good for you too. I may have to try honey on an open wound at some point when needed just to see how it goes. 

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