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How do people deal with permadeath/limited lives?

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I always avoid games that feature permadeath or limited lives, because, well, frankly I’m not a great gamer, and also, that would stress me out so much. For those who play game with that feature, how do you not get stressed by it?

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I grew up playing games that had limited lives and it was either you survived or you got extra lives, once they were gone, that was it you had to start again. 

I used to find it such a challenge playing games that gave me limited lives but we don't see that often anymore on games. I do miss it but at the same time, I feel now if we had limited lives, I would get frustrated!

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With permadeath, I love the pressure and the work it involves. To avoid stress, I break between sessions, save often when possible, and examine errors to learn from them. I also learn from my achievements rather than failures, and death being as means of learning. 


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Permadeath makes players more careful and think a lot about the actions they take in a game. I practice moderation, balance, and timing, take risks and accept consequences, perceive death as storytelling, and enjoy the process.

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