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UK Man Faces Arrested for Carrying Master Sword Replica in Public.

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A UK resident, inspired by the legendary Master Sword from the iconic Zelda series, found himself on the wrong side of the law. The enthusiast was spotted carrying a replica of the sword in public, leading to his arrest and subsequent jail sentence.

That has raised some questions. Did he disrespect public safety and weapon laws for carrying a game toy? Did the toy pose any real threat to life? 

Though it is worth being looked into if the said man had any past criminal records as well. 

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Since nobody has though to post an actual article on this; From Global News (Canada)


The law in the UK (I am from the UK) is very clear to anyone who lives here.  A stealth knife, flip knife or solid knife with an edge longer than 3 inches is illegal to have on your person in public unless you have a reason for it (That basically means you have to justify having it as a required tool).  And no, "self-defence" doesn't fly.  Expectations are made for antiques and props, but it's obviously still going to be an offensive weapon charge if you actually use them.  Here's an image of the actual Master Sword replica in question:




Looking at the ruler, the top of the guard starts at around 5cm and goes as far as 21.5cm. I suppose the sheath would have to be at least slightly longer than the blade, so let's say 15cm length for the blade.  That's 6in, clearly way longer than the law allows.  I would bet my left testicle that the police knew perfectly well, like the rest of us, he was never intent of hurting anyone with it, but the law is the law.  However, I do hope some common sense follows this as this guy does not deserve to have his life ruined over this.

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