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Think we'll get a Just Cause 5 soon? What do you want to see in it?

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Just Cause 4 came out in 2018 and it's been awfully quiet since. I really enjoyed the Just Cause games since 2, and 3 and 4 were probably my favorites. I don't know how many times I just played 4 and just flew around the map with my wingsuit and grapple hook. Made traversing the levels so much fun, and honestly I rarely bothered to drive cars in the game since it was so fast to move around with the wingsuit and grapple hook. Anyway, I'm getting off track here. This topic is to discuss what a Just Cause 5 could look like. 

I hear there is a movie in the works, so I could see them releasing a new game around the time a movie comes out. SO far it's only just beginning, so I assume a new game in the series is a ways off. But, what do you think a sequel could look like? I was kind of played out with the whole destruction, it got a bit tedious having to go to similar looking areas and destroy everything in sight. I hope the story in a sequel is better, because I never really got into the story, so never paid attention. 

What does a 5th game need to do to keep people interested? I feel the gameplay hasn't changed much since 2 and I think they need to implement some more crazy things to make a 5th game better. 

What would you like to see done in a Just Cause 5 game? 

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