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Do you prefer your character in RPGs to have a distinct personality or not?

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When playing an RPG with a set character that is not a complete blank slate, do you prefer the slate still be relatively blank, or that the character have a distinct personality?

I.e. do you prefer a personality-less character like in Dragon Age: Origins, or a character with a distinct personality like Hawke in Dragon Age 2?

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In an open world RPG like Hogwarts Legacy, you have the ability to make your own choices in certain situations.  I like having the ability to do that when playing a game like that.  It makes for a better experience, in my opinion, you can make at least some choices in what your character does. 

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I like my RPG characters to be either completely fleshed out or completely blank slates, nothing in-between. Few things in games irritate me more than making a custom character, starting to roleplay, then getting a backstory forced on me by an NPC.

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On 7/11/2024 at 4:41 PM, HowHammerYou said:

I like my RPG characters to be either completely fleshed out or completely blank slates, nothing in-between. Few things in games irritate me more than making a custom character, starting to roleplay, then getting a backstory forced on me by an NPC.

I completely understand where you're coming from. In reality, I love games that gives me the freedom to create my own story and character, without having to impose unnecessary details too. 



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I'd say that in this case, I'd rather they have a distinct personality. Playing characters that aren't a complete blank slate, I'd be more inclined to take the immersive route of taking action that I think the character normally would along with building them like how they perceived in their universe.

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23 hours ago, killamch89 said:

I'd say that in this case, I'd rather they have a distinct personality. Playing characters that aren't a complete blank slate, I'd be more inclined to take the immersive route of taking action that I think the character normally would along with building them like how they perceived in their universe.

What I watch out for is when my characters have a rich backstory and with distinct personality as well. This is what make the game feel so much more immersive and engaging too. 

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I prefer games where you start off that your character is a blank slate and any choices you make along the way defines your personality. Hogwarts Legacy is not a game I have played yet but I hope to do so soon, this game has that ability and that is something I know I am going to enjoy. 

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21 hours ago, Shortie said:

I prefer games where you start off that your character is a blank slate and any choices you make along the way defines your personality. Hogwarts Legacy is not a game I have played yet but I hope to do so soon, this game has that ability and that is something I know I am going to enjoy. 

I completely agree with you on that because the Games that allows you to shape your character's personality and story are so much more immersive and engaging as well. I see it as an actual role-playing. it's always interesting 🧐

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