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Most time on a game?

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What's the most amount of time you've spent playing a video game at one go before you've stopped?


For example......

When Hogwarts Legacy came out last year, I remember spending my entire days off playing that game.  I would eat breakfast and take my morning medicine as soon as I got up.  Once I did that, I immediately began playing and I would play for hours until my husband arrived home from work without realizing how much time I'd spent playing.  It was then I would realize that I had to go to the restroom.  I could play that game all day and not realize how much time had gone by. 

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I did got from dawn 'till dusk with Uncharted 4, a game I wasn't even that cray about, so why I felt compelled to play that one huge session I really don't know.  It's not a common thing for me to game in huge spurts like that.  Another game that can draw longer sessions from me is Tales of Berseria.  I have stopped played and been stunned by how long I was playing it.

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On 7/11/2024 at 4:44 PM, HowHammerYou said:

I took an entire week's vacation from work to play Metal Gear Solid 5 when it released. Huge mistake.

Haha, that's a huge dedication. To be honest with you, taking a whole week off work might have been a bit excessive. Did you end up finishing the game in that time? 

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On 7/13/2024 at 6:59 AM, Lens said:

Haha, that's a huge dedication. To be honest with you, taking a whole week off work might have been a bit excessive. Did you end up finishing the game in that time? 

Almost. I finished it the next week. Then I found out I'd been playing as a helicopter medic instead of Big Boss the whole time. Biggest kick in the balls I've ever gotten from a game developer. That ended my Kojima fanboy phase.

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On 7/11/2024 at 10:44 AM, HowHammerYou said:

I took an entire week's vacation from work to play Metal Gear Solid 5 when it released. Huge mistake.

I thought about doing this when Hogwarts Legacy came out last year.  I was on the fence about it for the longest time.  I finally decided not to do it because I didn't want to burn through all of my vacation for one single video game and not have time for something else. 

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Skyrim - across the three editions combined, It says here that I've amassed almost 9000 hours but playing a game for almost 13 years will allow you to achieve that. It's the fact that I still love playing it to this day.

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23 hours ago, killamch89 said:

Skyrim - across the three editions combined, It says here that I've amassed almost 9000 hours but playing a game for almost 13 years will allow you to achieve that. It's the fact that I still love playing it to this day.

Wow, 9000 hours is so insane! I don't think I can sink that much time into a single game. Me, never! Tell me, what keeps you coming back to it?

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Destiny 2 would have to be the game I would say I have played the most amount of time in one sitting without taking a break. I haven't played Destiny 2 for quite some time now but I know when I jump back on, I will be hooked again. 

Fortnite would be the game that comes second that I have played the most in one sitting. 

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3 hours ago, Lens said:

Wow, 9000 hours is so insane! I don't think I can sink that much time into a single game. Me, never! Tell me, what keeps you coming back to it?

I mod it all the time and it has thousands of mods so you can create a unique experience every playthrough. I've yet to run out of ideas for new character builds - I even have new Druid and lightning samurai builds coming up.

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6 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

I mod it all the time and it has thousands of mods so you can create a unique experience every playthrough. I've yet to run out of ideas for new character builds - I even have new Druid and lightning samurai builds coming up.

Haha, I can understand what entices yu now. It's great to see that you're still enjoying the game. what's the most unique build you've ever made? 

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8 minutes ago, Lens said:

Haha, I can understand what entices yu now. It's great to see that you're still enjoying the game. what's the most unique build you've ever made? 

Hmmm - that's a good question. I created a bard that literally brainwashed my enemies to fight each other to the death. It was pretty hilarious because I didn't have one damaging spell or weapon and yet almost every NPC was fighting the other. There was also another one where I created a character who was a warlock that could control souls so I could do things like temporarily take on the appearance of certain NPCs, took racial abilities from dead enemies and bestow them onto my summons and absorb the souls of all the people that die around my character becoming much more powerful. I also ended up getting my own pocket realm where I could summon Daedra from my realm by opening an Oblivion gate. It was a crazy build.

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48 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

Hmmm - that's a good question. I created a bard that literally brainwashed my enemies to fight each other to the death. It was pretty hilarious because I didn't have one damaging spell or weapon and yet almost every NPC was fighting the other. There was also another one where I created a character who was a warlock that could control souls so I could do things like temporarily take on the appearance of certain NPCs, took racial abilities from dead enemies and bestow them onto my summons and absorb the souls of all the people that die around my character becoming much more powerful. I also ended up getting my own pocket realm where I could summon Daedra from my realm by opening an Oblivion gate. It was a crazy build.

That's incredible! Sincerely speaking, I  love how creative you got with the game mechanics. Kudos to you!

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