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Playing professionally?

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Not at all - the reason being that by making gaming a profession, it'd no longer playing games for the fun of it and instead, as a means of income which takes away the fun aspect. I'll eventually become burnt out and might stop gaming altogether because I'd no longer enjoy it.

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I had in the past thought about playing games professionally but it was never something I was ever able to take on and do. I would still one day like to play video games and make something from it but playing professionally I am not sure is something I will do, at least not for now. 

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5 hours ago, Shortie said:

I had in the past thought about playing games professionally but it was never something I was ever able to take on and do. I would still one day like to play video games and make something from it but playing professionally I am not sure is something I will do, at least not for now. 

I wanted to do the same years ago but then it occurred to me that It'd probably take away the fun element of playing when I want and enjoying the game how I want to. When you're a pro player, you're under pressure to constantly perform at your very best or else, you'll end up with less income. Especially when professionally gaming is your primary income, you'll eventually get burnt out and lose interest in gaming.

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11 hours ago, killamch89 said:

I wanted to do the same years ago but then it occurred to me that It'd probably take away the fun element of playing when I want and enjoying the game how I want to. When you're a pro player, you're under pressure to constantly perform at your very best or else, you'll end up with less income. Especially when professionally gaming is your primary income, you'll eventually get burnt out and lose interest in gaming.

That's a really valid point!.  I've also seen it happen to some of the professional gamers who started out as  passionate about gaming, but eventually got burned out and lost their love for the game. 

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