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Would Aliens Assume We're Intelligent Based on Our Technology?

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If an alien species visited Earth, would they conclude we are intelligent because of our ability to build large cities, fly airplanes, develop nuclear weapons, use mobile devices, and more? What factors might influence their perception of our intelligence? Would they look at our technology alone, or would other aspects of our behavior and society play a role?

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I believe if aliens did visit earth, they would more than likely look at us as intelligent but I feel it would be based on technology more than the society we surround ourselves with and our behaviour. 

Whether or not aliens are real or not is a different story but if they are, it would be interesting to see what they thought. 

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3 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

We better hope that technology is what makes them think we're intelligent. Because one look at us, and well....




I could see it playing out like this. Or better yet - they're competing to see who can be the biggest degenerate. Marty look at this one eating its own poop - is this the intelligent life form we heard about.

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