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Have You Ever Tried Archery?

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Have you ever picked up a bow and arrow? Whether you're a seasoned archer or just tried it once for fun, I'd love to hear your stories and tips! What got you interested in archery, and what's your favorite thing about it? Any memorable moments or advice for beginners?

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I have seen archery played and I have played archery on video games but I have never picked up a bow and arrow myself and tried archery in person. 

If I were ever given the chance to try out archery and use a bow and arrow, I would give it a shot. 

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I had a compound bow when I was a kid to hunt with. I couldn't hit shit with those damn pins, so I took all that shit off and used the bow the way I knew how. By sighting down the arrow. I was a damn good shot. I don't think I ever hunted with it. But I did have fun shooting a target which was a ratty old mattress I had that I spray painted a bullseye on.

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My dad used to have a hunting bow and I used to practice in the backyard on a tree. His dad gave it to him but my dad didn't like hunting so he never ever used it and it was just laying around.

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