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Are You a Bad Loser?

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Do you struggle with losing gracefully? Whether it's a game, a competition, or even in daily life, how do you handle defeat? Share your experiences and insights on how to improve sportsmanship and resilience when things don't go your way.

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As much as I do feel defeated when I lose at a video game, I wouldn't say I react to the loss in a bad way. I tend to look at the loss and work out where I went wrong and how I can improve to instead do better next time. 

I have known people to rage when they lose and lose their temper and I feel that is always too much, sometimes it's best to take a break and look at improving. 

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On 7/17/2024 at 3:19 PM, Shortie said:

As much as I do feel defeated when I lose at a video game, I wouldn't say I react to the loss in a bad way. I tend to look at the loss and work out where I went wrong and how I can improve to instead do better next time. 

I have known people to rage when they lose and lose their temper and I feel that is always too much, sometimes it's best to take a break and look at improving. 

Same here - nobody likes to lose but I don't really take it all that seriously even though I do have bit of competitiveness in me. I've learnt as a kid that losing in videogames is a thing that can happen and there's no point in throwing a fit over it.

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I've only rage quit a couple games, and I haven't played them since. But with that I think it's understandable. Typically, I don't think I'm a bad loser, with only one exception. I will no longer be drawn into a Risk game. I am the worst person in the world to have in that game. I'll join in as a spectator, but I won't even consider playing it.

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I'm a terrible sore loser. I've always been since I was a kid, and I was way worse back then though. I used to throw game pieces if I lost a board game, and I almost broke game controllers as a kid too. I'm not as bad as I was, but I still hate losing. It's something I probably should work on, but I don't know if I ever will to be honest with you.

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On 7/26/2024 at 2:56 PM, Ravenfreak said:

I'm a terrible sore loser. I've always been since I was a kid, and I was way worse back then though. I used to throw game pieces if I lost a board game, and I almost broke game controllers as a kid too. I'm not as bad as I was, but I still hate losing. It's something I probably should work on, but I don't know if I ever will to be honest with you.

As a kid, I hated losing too but I eventually grew out of it. You just have to remind yourself it's a game and you win some and you lose some.

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On 7/26/2024 at 2:56 PM, Ravenfreak said:

I almost broke game controllers as a kid too.

I was an extreme sore loser. I don't remember what game I was playing (this is when I was around 14) but the game pissed me off so bad that I grabbed my SNES, threw it out in the yard, grabbed my shotgun, and unloaded an entire box of shells into it. Which meant that I had to save up money to get another SNES. I've also taken hammers to my controllers. That shit's WAY too expensive to do now, so I don't open fire on my systems anymore.

Usually that is.

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5 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

I was an extreme sore loser. I don't remember what game I was playing (this is when I was around 14) but the game pissed me off so bad that I grabbed my SNES, threw it out in the yard, grabbed my shotgun, and unloaded an entire box of shells into it. Which meant that I had to save up money to get another SNES. I've also taken hammers to my controllers. That shit's WAY too expensive to do now, so I don't open fire on my systems anymore.

Usually that is.

The cost is one of the main reasons I've never engaged in destroying my stuff when losing at a game. That 40-50 dollars add up if you keep breaking them constantly.

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I don’t like losing, but I’ll try to win if I get beaten badly at a game. I have a two-round rule: if I get beaten twice, then I know I have to practice and get a rematch eventually. I’m pretty competitive, but I don’t struggle with losing.

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