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Bootstrap Island

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I wish I had a good VR headset right about now. Bootstrap Island looks like a lot of fun. It's said to be a VR survival game, where you're stranded on an island after a shipwreck. You than have to survive on this island while also dealing with potential threats. It's currently available in early access on Steam VR. But I wonder if it will get a release on the Meta Quest 2-3 at some point. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1942110/Bootstrap_Island/


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The Bootstrap Island does look like an exciting VR experience and I think that the early access release on Steam VR is a good starting point for the gamers.  


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Going by the popularity of VR gaming. Bootstrap Island's survival mechanics could actually make a thrilling experience for the players. I'm so curious to see how the game develops during its early access period.


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The idea of being stranded on an island and dealing with threats sounds intense! It’s a shame that it's not available on Meta Quest yet. You might want to keep an eye on the developer's updates. They often announce new platform releases as they get closer.

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