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Have you ever ran out of patience with someone?

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If it's about people getting on your nerves, it's something that's never going to stop as long as you're dealing with human beings. The last time I ran out of patience with someone was when the guy owing me kept ducking paying me back last 3 months ago. He didn't like how I reeled into him with a strong outburst. 

When was the last time you ran out of patience with someone?

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Yeah. That Australian guy who bothers me online has been trolling me every week for the last 7 years, instead of just getting it through his peanut sized brain that I whole heartedly don't care if he thinks I hate women, or Capcom, or something just as stupid, because of some petty feud from 20 years ago. But who the hell spends 7 years chasing a guy overseas online, who doesn't even like him? 

Protip: If somebody doesn't want to know you the first 5,674,387 times you contact him, he won't change his mind if you contact him another 5,674,387 times.

I find it hilarious though that a guy in his 30s wastes so such time spamming on forums, following me about online, pretending he has recruited others, saying my acting sucks, my teeth are big, and so on. This is what you would expect in primary school. Not from a fully grown adult.

That must take up a lot of his time and is highly obsessive. He just keeps denying it's him, even with all the prior logs. I'm to the point now where I don't even care, to be honest. 

If he wants to impersonate my user name or post potato jokes elsewhere, so be it. Have a blast, son. But I think this guy is loco. 

He was mocking my mother as well. She died last year. He uploaded a doctored picture of her being groped by Sylvester Stallone and Eddie Guerrero. He also made other profiles and added them as "friends" on the main profile he has been using to post comments.

Thanks to him, I no longer put my extra roles on my IMDb page. I suspect he had been messaging people associated with these movies, perhaps trying to persuade them to blacklist me. They never told me if he or anyone else did that, but I did suspect he was likely doing that.

The police in Perth don't lift a finger. They say they don't have the jurisdiction if you are in Scotland. But I always assumed that abusing people online, regardless of the region they are living in, was still a crime. 

On this horror films wiki I used to go on, he created dozens of accounts just to edit every page I did, just to be tagged to each one, and was regularly seen viewing the activity stream, then posting comments when you could do so without being signed in. Or he was being a vandal.

I still to this day get him sending me follower requests on other sites, that I immediately reject. And there's some legal advice site with no moderators on it (a rather common issue today). For the last 2 years, he has been posting nonsense as a guest. Remarks like, "Call me in Australia now, we are waiting" or something else just as dumb. And sometimes copying entire quotes of mine, and listing my user names and email addresses to seem powerful.

I even saw what he looks like: Big glasses. Plump. Nerd vibes. Thinking he is clever, when he's really not.

Sad guy...


Edited by Knight Plug
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