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What's the Most Mind-Blowing Easter Egg You've Ever Found in a Game?

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I recently stumbled upon an Easter egg in an old game (Resident Evil 2), and it completely blew my mind! It got me thinking about all the hidden gems developers sneak into their games. What's the most surprising or mind-blowing Easter egg you've ever discovered? Whether it's something funny, a secret level, or a hidden message, I'd love to hear your stories.

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It happened to me in Portal. When I was playing through the game, I suddenly stumbled upon a hidden room in one of the levels. That's where I found a hidden terminal that played a song called 'Still Alive’. I was so surprised!


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10 hours ago, Button said:

It happened to me in Portal. When I was playing through the game, I suddenly stumbled upon a hidden room in one of the levels. That's where I found a hidden terminal that played a song called 'Still Alive’. I was so surprised!


That's awesome! 'Still Alive' is such an iconic song. It's amazing how games like Portal hide these little surprises that make the experience so memorable. Did you know it was composed by Jonathan Coulton? His quirky style fits the game perfectly.

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