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Top Monetization Strategies in Mobile Gaming

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One of the top monetization strategies that I know in mobile gaming is in-app purchases. This lets players to buy extra lives, special items, or to also purchase the new levels. It makes the game more fun and helps developers earn lots of money too.


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I do t know what is going on, but I'm getting concerned at some of the recent topics popping up, especially on the Mobile Games sub-forum.  Why are people being so happy-go-lucky describing some of the worst things in gaming.  Take this, for example:


4 hours ago, Lens said:

This lets players to buy extra lives, special items, or to also purchase the new levels. It makes the game more fun and helps developers earn lots of money too.


That's Pay-to-Win! Literally the worst and most universally and justifiably hated example of in-app purchases there is!  And you're describing it like free ice cream!  So what is going on here?

Edited by Shagger
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I understand your concerns, but what you need to know is that in-app purchases can also be used responsibly. What is most important is  transparency and fair monetization models. I didn't deviate from the topic. They are ways for game developers to earn. 

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1 hour ago, Lens said:

I understand your concerns, but what you need to know is that in-app purchases can also be used responsibly. What is most important is  transparency and fair monetization models. I didn't deviate from the topic. They are ways for game developers to earn. 


First off, nobody us accusing you of "deviating from the topic".  It's YOUR topic!  My issue is that it doesn't make sense to me for somebody to be so complimentary of what is (rightfully) the most hated business practice in gaming.


Pay-to-Win is not transparent nor fair, it's the exact opposite. It's a deliberate, and I say again, deliberate method used by scummy developers/publishers to alter a game's balence in favour of players that pay money.  You tell me, is it fair for a player to spend hours grinding in a game to not be as powerfull or as far forward as another player who may have literally only just started playing the same game because the second player paid money?  I can also almost guarantee that when these developers/publishers do this they are never honest about it because they know how much players hate this practice. 


Yes, it is possible for games to be monetized in a way that's fair and reasonable, I'm not denying that.  The problem here is you offer as an example something that is very obviously as far away from that as it can possibly get and you didn't realize?  With all due respect, that's a little difficult to buy.  You're not stupid @Lens, so I'll count this as a little bit of naivety and move on.


I'm also going to move this topic to the mobile gaming sub forum, seems like a more appropriate place for it anyway.

Edited by Shagger
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