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What are some collabs you want to see Dead By Daylight do next?

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Dead By Daylight is still going strong, and I think it's mainly due to the many collabs this game has gone through over the years. Hell they're even getting a film adaptation, so that's saying something. So far they have 26 collabs under their belt, with two more coming this month with Castlevania and sometime in 2025 they are getting a Five Nights at Freddy's collab, making it out to 28 total collabs since the game launched in 2016. 

You can view all of the collabs or crossovers as they put it, at this link here: https://fictionalcrossover.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight

What collabs would you like to see them do next? I'd be down for something like The Thing would be great. Maybe a twist of it could be that the thing could disguise itself as another player. That'd be cool. 

What do you think? Discuss what collabs you'd like to see. 

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The Thing sounds awesome! I agree that a shapeshifting mechanic would add a lot of suspense. Another potential collab could be The Exorcist. The horror from that film could translate well into Dead By Daylight, especially with some demonic entities as killers. What do you think about adding supernatural elements like that?

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