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Do Open-World Games Offer Freedom or Just More Tasks?

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The open-world genre offers freedom but a lot of gamers still believe that it's just a never ending to-do list. Based on my perspective, open world games has offered me freedom, but I end up feeling like it's a chore with too many side quests. What are your thoughts?

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1 hour ago, Button said:

It's true that the open world games offer incredible freedom and immersion, but it also overwhelm the players with too many things to do. 



It's good for a game to strike a balance when it comes to open world exploration. I’ve played some open world games that focus too much on quantity over quality and that has lead to repetitive and shallow experiences for me.



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I completely get where you're coming from. Sometimes open-world games do feel like they're handing you a list of errands instead of immersing you in a world. I think it depends on how well the game balances freedom with engaging content. For me, it’s about how natural the side quests feel - Whether they’re tied into the world-building or just there as an extra thing to do.

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