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Shinji Mikami Wants to Bring Back God Hand Over Any Other Franchise

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The Resident Evil creator recently talked about how he wants to move on from survival horror for a bit, and maybe God Hand could be that move he wanted to make. It seems he is very keen on the idea of making a new God Hand game, and honestly I would welcome that move. Would you? 

I can see why he wants to jump away from the survival horror genre. I feel it's played out and the market is already full up with hits. So maybe this is the direction that seems best for him. What do you think?

Read more about this news here - https://wccftech.com/shinji-mikami-bring-back-god-hand/

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"I think a new God Hand would be a fantastic move. Mikami’s creativity has always pushed boundaries, and stepping away from survival horror could lead to some really fresh and exciting gameplay. Plus, God Hand had such a unique style - reviving it could bring a lot of new energy to the genre.

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I've never played God Hand, but it's a pity Shinji has gave up on survival horror gaming. No doubt for good this time.

I guess being a proper gentleman, he doesn't want to have too much of a go at Capcom for turning the Resident Evil series he created into complete horse manure, since 2009 or so. But then of course, Tango Gameworks went bust thanks to Microsoft laying off their subsidaries, so fans of The Evil Within games were left disappointed recently as well. So maybe he has just had enough of the shift in gaming today. And that's understandable. 🤤

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You‘re right, Mikami's passion for God Hand is very intriguing. I believe that revival can really bring a refreshing twist to the genre. I’m so excited about God Hand's challenging gameplay. It's so immersive! 


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