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Knight Plug

The UK legal system is bent AF!

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My sister had her daughter (her fourth child) on Friday, the 23rd. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of her solicitor, social workers put her baby into foster care the following Monday afternoon.

They enjoy making up lies, mucking people about, and they also caused our late mum to be stressed out. But what can you do when they call the shots? 🥴

It's all pretty meh. They did the same thing with her son in 2022, and her two previous sons. Her second ex partner is a "player" and just drinks and arses about. He even admitted he put their son up for adoption, yet my sister ran back to him.

Poorly played. I wouldn't wanna date a person if they were being abusive to me, telling lies, seeing other women, and so on. I'd take off, my dignity intact, but my heart shattered.

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