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What's the Worst Book You Couldn't Finish?

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On 8/31/2024 at 10:36 PM, killamch89 said:

Have you ever started a book that you just couldn't bring yourself to finish? Whether it was poorly written, boring, or just not your style, what was the title of the book that made you give up?

I actually did finish it, but the worst book I've ever read was Ready Player Two. I absolutely love the first book, Ready Player One, I have read the book, listened to the audio book multiple times and watched the movie, but the sequel was just insulting to read. It really felt like Ernest Cline just wrote it as a cash grab after the success of the movie, and it really just felt like reading bad fan fiction of the first book. 

The plot is basically a rehash of the first book, except this time the protaganist needs to find 7 macguffins instead of 3. One of the parts that made me the most angry was when the characters arrives at one of the locations where one of these macguffins (I don't even remember what they're called in the book, maybe shards?) are supposed to be located, and they're presented with a quest by the queen of this kingdom, that they need to complete in order to get the shard. Then the main character just straight up says "Oh yeah, I already did that", and the queen just gives him the thing. It's so fucking stupid, I hate it. 

I am in general a quite positive person, I mostly focus on liking the things I like and usually don't put a lot of energy towards things I don't like, but Ready Player Two is one of the few things I hate with a passion. As a fan of the first book it just felt like getting spat in the face by the author. 

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