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What should you be doing right now but you're not doing it?

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Right now, I think that I'm supposed to be sleeping because it's almost 12am but I'm not sleep. I'm still online doing one thing or another. I hope to get offline as soon as possible so that I can sleep. 

What should you be doing right now?

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I should be quitting YouTube, but I am more of a watcher than a content creator. You cannot get noticed on there anyway. They rig the set up so only the big channels can gain views. You can add tags and all that, but it's pointless.

Nobody cares about vloggers with no editorial skills either. If you just fire on a webcam, or point your phone at the table and just talk out loud about something you wish to rant over, without the need to make it look gloriously presentable in HD, it doesn't seem to even matter how sincere you are. Nobody cares.

But look at this guy. Yeah, he whines a lot. He acts like he's important. All the same, he still speaks the truth to a degree.

YouTube has become like the PG era WWE crap. Not to mention all the jobless e-beggers and nerds acting so entitled. Like if you don't pledge cash or make your presence felt when they start broadcasting, they tell you to get to stepping at the first chance they get. Even if you were previously friendly to them for months, or years, typing out comments and donating money, or becoming a paid member. They more or less spit in your face. And I stopped supporting many a channel once they surrended their dignity for clicks. 

It's like when I was telling people on forums in the past about how Capcom was clearly copying Silent Hill and RE4 for RE8, with the mannequins being like the evil nurses, the creepy house being in first person, and just about every plot detail from RE4 being cut and pasted, it was all presented with video evidence. Then I recall I got nothing but excuses. Some dumb, pointless damage control replies about how they were just unsure of whether they were ripping off other games I mentioned. They were like, "Oh, thesaunderschild, Capcom was uh, just paying homage". And "Oh, we aren't in the same room seeing them at work, so we can't judge the devs" and that kind of nonsense. So I just decided to stop doing it.

It was so dumb, it actually stopped making me mad, and became a bit on the amusing side for a change. I more or less just started to see the bigger picture, and laughed at how silly it ended up being, with these loyal puppets. That the pack like mentality of the sheepfold always tops all, even if you feel like you're saying correct stuff. And I also provided back up for confirmation. They still try to move the goal posts.

Yes. Criticism is subjective. Nobody has to agree, as you are stating an opinion, and you don't always win people over with your words. But here is the thing: If you provide solid proof, then isn't it kind of pointless to refute something when the writing is already on the wall? But my God. It was like trying to turn yeast into gold talking to them.

I feel this man's anguish. I really do. Because it seems like he worked hard to get his channel growing for a long time, just to see it all slip away. If he gave up being a YouTuber tomorrow, I wouldn't blame him. Because this era is pretty sad with Google being so biased.


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