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Do you like seeing damage points during combat?

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Some games display damage points on the screen when you fight (i.e. Dragon Age). But I never find this very informative; it just seems like visual noise to me. An enemy’s health bar is useful to see, but I don’t understand the point of the numbers. Does anyone find them useful?

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Some games need to offer that level of precise information, some don't.  For action games and shooters I'd call it unnessery.  Like @StaceyPowers said, it's just pointless visual clutter.  For strategic RPS's like a Final Fantasy game, it can be necessary.  Still, it has been an unwelcome trend in recent years for games to flood UI's with damage points, health points, hit points, shit points, power point presentaions and all sorts of garbage.  Make UI's detailed if you must, but be smart about it and keep them clean.

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