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PS2 Honored As First Gaming Console In Japan’s National Science Museum

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This is cool news, the PS2 is the first gaming console in Japan's National Science Museum. Japan ended up adding it to the Future Technology Heritage list. This list includes the likes of 400 items that all have been a major part in how far we've come in tech. It also mentions it's about cultural shifts and technical leaps with the tech on the list. This article - https://tech4gamers.com/ps2-first-gaming-console-japan-science-museum/ mentions that the list has stuff like the Sony Walkman, and the first DVD player. So stuff that really were important in how tech advanced I guess. 

You can view this years list here via this PDF - https://www.kahaku.go.jp/procedure/press/pdf/1441766.pdf, though it's in Japanese, they do show pictures of the items added. I wish I could tell exactly what the other items are. I see a watch, a couple sewing machines, piano keyboards, and weird and big machines I couldn't identify. 

Either way, I think it's pretty cool. I could see consoles like the Wii, Xbox's Kinect (even though it was kind of a failure), VR, and the Switch making this list if they haven't already. 

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This is a testament of its impact on gaming and technology. It's so fascinating to see it alongside the iconic innovations like the Sony Walkman and first DVD player. 


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